Monday, June 2, 2014

Movies or Books ?

 if you have enough money to buy a book or watch a movie, which would you rather spend the money on, a book or a movie ? Provide specific details to justify your decision.
Usually, an effective essay should have a minimum of 300 words.

  I usually watch a movie at my pastime. Because movies give us a world visually that we couldn't go though in our normal life. Of course some people would say that books also provide a knowledge and new thought. Although I agree with this opinion, movies bring about  even more details of a story and knowledge than books. In other words, I would like to say that the most important thing is a visual effect. the visual effect makes a story and situation clear or plain.

  I would like to take a movie that I want to recommend to everyone for example. this movie called The Shawshank Redemption gave us brisk and refreshing feelings. the outline of this story is that a innocent banker is looked up in jail and he is trying to escape from jail. While he is being looked up, he is making friends with other prisoner. But until he succeed in escaping from jail, all his friends doesn't know his plan eventually. After escaping from jail, he is going to set up hotel near the sea. when he succeed in escaping, he outspreads his arm and raises his face to the sky. what is he thinking about at the moment ? presumably I think he is thinking about his harsh life of jail and appreciation to the God. I can image how he feel from his face and motion. Because movies are visual things. But as far as books concerned, thats not gonna happen. Of course we can image his feelings from the line. But we can't see his face and motion. That would be hard for us to presume how really good he feels at the moment.

  moreover, the reason why I usually watch a movie is movie can share the time with friends and even people who you don't know. We can share the moment and feel how fun a movie is in the movie cheater and your home. But considering books, We can't do that. As you see, books are made for a person and don't have intention to share the time. Whats more, you can use movies to get a new girl or boy friend.

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