Monday, June 9, 2014

Importance of greeting

Ways of greeting vary from country to country. when you are in multicultural country like Toronto, what do you think you should learn different languages or not ?

 In my opinion, definitely we should learn different languages. Because if you could speak a lot of languages, even just ways of greeting, You could make friends with people all over the world. It was not until I went to a multicultural city like Toronto I realized that how important greeting was. Only could we speak ways of greeting, we could start a conversation with a person sitting next to you. And then we could learn different cultures, such as personality, food and whatever it is. For instance, if you go to a bar which is gathering people all over the world, you could speak another languages and learn different cultures from those who came from other countries.

 Second, learning ways of greeting can lead to make a relationship. Have you ever experienced a person who came from other county said to you where you are from and then I know how to say hello in your language ?. saying hello in your language from a person who speaks other language is really happy and grateful. Greeting is first thing of learning other language. Even if you can only speak greeting phrase, you could built a relationship with people from different country.

Finally, what I want to say is greeting makes people happy and friendly. Everyone has experienced that a person from other county has said to you hello in your language and that made you happy and funny, which leads to be more friendly and open your mind. Greeting always influences on your feelings and mind. Firstly we are starting a conversation from greeting and then taking about each life, hobby and whatever it is. The most important thing to start a conversation with a person who you don't know is definitely greeting. Because greeting has an effect that changes your mind.

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