Saturday, May 31, 2014

smart phones are anti social

 Smart phones are widely used all over the world at the present. But some experts say that smart phones are anti social. What do you think of it ? State your opinion.

  In my opinion, I think this thought is a little extreme. But some people is influenced by smart phone. Of course it goes without saying that smart phones have brought about a great deal of convenience and connect people with information. However it also causes a lot of problems. For example, those who are addicted to smart phone always keep it close and sometimes are not aware of other person passed by them. that would cause too much danger, such as clashing with people, internet fraud. In this day and age, smart phone has become something of a necessity, and almost people can't do without one. If we are taking great benefits into consideration, that would be important. But don't forget that sometimes smart phones include a potential peril.

  When it comes to great benefits, smart phone has gave us new world. Long time ago, we used a fixed line phone. it could use at only one place and couldn't carry it anywhere . On the other hand, smart phone can use wherever and connect us with internet world. Thanks to these breakthrough, we all are connecting with new world, which can open endlessly. When we look in this way, it stands reason that we are using smart phones and become necessity.

  However, don't forget that that has merits and demerits and keep in mind that that are bound to evolve further and bring about problems as well. When we face the age of evolution, we should appeal to reason instead of resorting to devices and know the knowledge of what is right and wrong.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Rules and regulations that stifle innovation,

 Although It is said that it is Rules and regulations that stifle innovation, what do you think of it and what should we cope with rules and regulations ?

 These days the news say that there are a slew of patients who cannot be treated by regular medicine in Japan.Tens of thousands of people are suffering from a variety of diseases and seeking help for the pain.If we had a medicine that would be able to cure their diseases, we would like to give them it at once.Of course, it is necessary to inspect the effect and test on a living person.However,in Japan,it usually takes a long time to use practically after passing various tests.It is rules and regulations that stifle the use of a new medicine.We need to stamp out this situation right now and change our mind to diffuse hope.

 It is often said that scientists are often accused of perverting nature.But i want everyone to think that they brought about living long time.Now that we have been developing so many beneficial things in every way. If that's the way things are, we may have to do a little reconsidering what we are creating the things for. 

 Of course, rules and regulations are sometimes very important for us so as not to use medicine and information and so on violently. But if these regulations and rules were too much harsh, we would be bemused and feel stressful. I think as a situation will be changing, we will alter a rule and regulation as well. In other words, it doesn't mean that we have to change the rules all the time. It depends on a situation. In order to observe this fluid society, a government and institution has to always keep an eye on it and adjust to various changes.

Indifference of people

 We all have known that humankind face climate change, in particular global warming and are in the midst of a global crisis. In this day and age there have been thousands of studies published on climate change. But almost people are indifferent to this peril. Why are we tend to ignore the ongoing truth ?
 there are some reasons why we are apt to take our eyes off the environmental problem. First because the problems causing climate change are always obscure and abstract. As a result, we have no idea concretely what we should do to prevent climate change from going on. In order to make sure what is the problem of these changes, the government and institutions have got to explain the causing problem plainly, teach us what we should do and facilitate it as soon as possible.
 secondly, these climate changes are sometimes getting worse gradually , which is hard for us to realize whats going on our planet. Without realising it , our planet already faces an unstoppable crisis. That said, we must not ignore this situation. the specialists of the environment and leaders of the county need to be tackling these problems and notifying us of whats going on and what will become of the worst case.
 finally, sometimes we've felt that if I were only person to deal with these problems, it would mean it'd be a waste of time and helpless. Thats why a volunteer activity is very important for us so as not to feel this way anymore. By cooperating together, we can feel that you are not only person to do that. Moreover, as a whole country we have to tackle climate change.